Zeph by Studio 7.5
With Zeph, Studio 7.5 aimed to bridge the gap between Herman Miller’s iconic midcentury designs and the ergonomics of today’s work chairs. The result is a dynamic chair that doesn’t compromise comfort or style.
Customize Your Zeph

Molded for Movement
Zeph's design revolves around the the user's hips – their natural seated pivot point. While most shells are static, Studio 7.5 developed Zeph's kinematic monoshell to flex backwards and forwards for responsive ergonomic support.
"We wanted to distill ergonomics to their essence."
– Carola Zwick, Studio 7.5

Another Dimension of Comfort
Zeph's interchangeable 3D knit seat pads come in dozens of different colors, tailored to snugly clip onto the chair's seat. Each is manufactured with 50% recycled polyester yarn and zero fabric waste.

Finding Joy in Color
Affectionately called “crayon box,” Zeph’s expressive color palette took inspiration from classic Eames Shell Chairs. “One of the things we wanted to pick up from the midcentury era was the optimistic and delightful idea of the future—we wanted to be a bit more playful and happy,” Carola says.